- Smoke sensor.
- Short-circuit isolator incorporated.
- Low profile, total height less than 42 mm (including low base).
- Also available with high base for 20 mm tube.
- Possibility of connection to a remote action indicator.
- Easy connection (and A50S without polarity).
- Bi-color red and yellow LED.
- Indication, by means of the red LED, of the communication with the control panel (single flashing), as well as of the alarm status (LED on).
- Indication, by means of the yellow led (single flash), of the activation of the short-circuit isolator or the lack of communication with the control panel.
- Signalling of the dirty state of the sensor on the control panel display (the sensor allows to differentiate between rapid signal increases due to alarm and small, slow and sustained increases due to the accumulation of dust and dirt).
- Easy installation head and base, interchangeable throughout the A50 family, and made of white heat-resistant ABS.
- UL certificateย according to EN 54-7 and EN 54-17 Standard with CE marking according to the European Regulation on Construction Products (EU) No. 305/2011.

- Addressable Smoke Detector with isolator.
- The A50 family of detectors are based on a new refined aesthetic that integrates the latest electronic technology with new, more efficient detection algorithms and a three-dimensional design that makes it more robust against environmental dirt.
- The A50 family allows multiple combinations between smoke and heat detection, CO sensor and short-circuit isolator with UL certification.
- The A50SI model is a detector that has a smoke sensor. The A50SI model incorporates a short-circuit isolator.
- The smoke sensor is specially designed to detect the presence of combustion aerosols in a three-dimensional design that makes it more robust against dirt.
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